Flexible, creative and communicative – these are the characteristics that will be shaping the working world at Sartorius even more strongly in the future. They have also played a key role in the development of a future-proof structural plan for Sartorius Campus in Goettingen, Germany. A cross-functional team designed this 2020 master plan, which is the basis for expanding Sartorius Group headquarters.
Extended, even more advanced manufacturing units support optimal workflows, enhancing productivity and flexibility. The new Sartorius Forum building will enable a networked and customer-focused work approach. A large demonstration lab in which Sartorius equipment can be shown, tested and used for hands-on training will also be part of the extended Sartorius Campus facilities. The global administration and central marketing building will put the final icing on the cake, adding a distinct flair to the Sartorius Campus grounds.
The departments based so far at the company’s main office at the main thoroughfare Weender Landstrasse will successively relocate to Sartorius Campus as each particular construction phase in progress is completed.