



     Schafter+Kirchhoff (Schäfter + Kirchhoff ,Schäfter + Kirchhoff GmbH)是一家激光二极管、 光纤耦合器、 CCD相机 以及线阵相机的制造商。德国Schäfter+Kirchhoff公司自成立到如今已有50多年的历史,在科研和工业激光计量以及光电传感器系统应用方面拥有极高的声誉。目前,S+K公司主要有三大产品开发线,包括线阵相机系统、激光线发生器和光纤组件,其中生产的线阵相机种类繁多,可以满足用户对不同接口的各种需求,还可以根据用户需求提供定制的开发服务。

     Schäfter+Kirchhoff 50年前最早作为一个专门进行高品质的投影和光学望远镜光学设计的光学工程办公室成立。随着生产和开发能力的建立,公司在应用激光测量和光电传感器系统的科学研究和工业测量领域享有极高的声誉。
     2011年在德国建成了用于制造敏感的激光和光纤产品的现代洁净室设施,并且SK通过了 ISO 9001质量认证体系。
Line Scan Cameras(线阵相机) Fiber Optic Components(光纤组件) Laser Modules for Structured Illumination Laser Diode Collimators(激光二极管准直仪) Special Developments
 线阵相机  光纤组件  Laser Modules for Structured Illumination  激光二极管准直仪  Special Developments
An extensive selection of CCD line scan camera systems is available with a variety of interfaces, including GigE Vision, USB 3.0 and CameraLink.

Compact and ruggedized sensor heads with integrated bright-field illumination are designed for the most demanding of environments, including research in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Fiber optic modular components designed for scientific and industrial applications.

Top research institutes across the globe use Fiber Port Clusters to investigate everything from quantum optics to atmospheric research. Apochromatically corrected RGBV optics have enhanced sensitivity and stability in fluorescence microscopy and biophotonics.
Laser line, micro focus and pattern generators are particularly useful for 3D measurement tasks, using laser triangulation or laser light-sectioning techniques. All models are supplied with internal electronics and are ready for use. Compact laser diode collimators for custom applications or for laboratory use.
Housings are available for Ø9 mm, Ø5.6 mm and TO-18 laser diodes. Thermo-electric sensor or TE-cooling versions are also available, as well as a large variety of collimating lenses and lens attachment accessories.
Special developments and customized solutions provide not only excitement but also relief from the daily grind.
Click above to learn more about our spaceflight applications, the Schäfter+Kirchhoff welding monitor or our customized solutions for polar ice core and atmospheric satellite research.

Line Scan Cameras


Fiber Optic Components


Laser Modules for Structured Illumination

Laser Modules for Structured Illumination

Laser Diode Collimators

Laser Diode Collimators

Special Developments

Special Developments

线阵相机 光纤组件   激光二极管准直仪  
An extensive selection of CCD line scan camera systems is available with a variety of interfaces, including GigE Vision, USB 3.0 and CameraLink.

Compact and ruggedized sensor heads with integrated bright-field illumination are designed for the most demanding of environments, including research in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Fiber optic modular components designed for scientific and industrial applications.

Top research institutes across the globe use Fiber Port Clusters to investigate everything from quantum optics to atmospheric research. Apochromatically corrected RGBV optics have enhanced sensitivity and stability in fluorescence microscopy and biophotonics.
Laser line, micro focus and pattern generators are particularly useful for 3D measurement tasks, using laser triangulation or laser light-sectioning techniques. All models are supplied with internal electronics and are ready for use. Compact laser diode collimators for custom applications or for laboratory use.
Housings are available for Ø9 mm, Ø5.6 mm and TO-18 laser diodes. Thermo-electric sensor or TE-cooling versions are also available, as well as a large variety of collimating lenses and lens attachment accessories.
Special developments and customized solutions provide not only excitement but also relief from the daily grind.
Click above to learn more about our spaceflight applications, the Schäfter+Kirchhoff welding monitor or our customized solutions for polar ice core and atmospheric satellite research.
线扫描相机(LINE SCAN CAMERAS) 激光束耦合器(Laser Beam Coupler)    
相机镜头(Camera Lenses) 光纤跳线(Fiber Cables)      
GigE线扫描相机(GigE Line Scan Cameras) 光纤准直器(Fiber Collimators)      
GigE Vision线扫描相机(GigE Vision Line Scan Cameras) RGBV光纤器件(RGBV Fiber Optics)    
USB3.0线扫描相机(USB3.0 Line Scan Cameras) 调制器(Modulators)      
  定制光纤解决方案(Customized Fiber Optical Solutions)    
  构造工具包(Construction Kit "Multicube")    
  光纤耦合激光光源(Fiber-Coupled Laser Sources)    
  低噪声和低相干长度的光纤耦合光源(Fiber-Coupled Laser Beam Sources with Low Noise and Reduced Coherence Length)      
  测量工具(Measurement Tools)      
  基础研究的光学元件和工具(Fiber Optics, Components and Tools for Fundamental Research)