Ekspla公司是ISO9001认证的研发制造商, Ekspla致力于为科研和工业领域提供,固体皮秒,纳秒激光器和激光器系统,以及激光加工中心平台. 创立伊始,Ekspla便以生产先进,高性能的以超快和纳秒激光器为核心部件的全面解决方案为目标. 除了被市场广泛认可和接受的定型产品之外, 更可以选择品种类型丰富的用户定制组件, 根据用户特定的需求,设计集成激光器和激光器系统. 长达20多年设计研制激光器经验积淀, 精益求精的工程师团队,包括15名博士学位的研发人员为您精心打造: 固体激光器,用于研发的激光器系统和附件. 光学参量振荡器/发生器/放大器 复杂光谱学测量系统(和频光谱测量系统,纳秒荧光光谱仪.....) 激光器电源和水冷组件. 激光光电子部件 工业级半导体泵浦的固体激光器 激光材料处理加工平台 用户定制的激光器系统 |
皮秒激光器(Picosecond lasers) |
pl2210系列二极管泵浦皮秒Nd:YAG激光器(PL2210 series diode pumped picosecond Nd:YAG lasers)
短脉宽、高能量,高达2 kHz的重复率和优良的脉冲稳定性进行pl2210系列二极管泵浦皮秒激光器的许多应用的首选,如材料加工、激光光谱学、光学参量发生器泵和其他任务。 |
PL2230系列全固态锁模皮秒Nd:YAG激光器(PL2230 series fully DPSS mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers) |
第一个商用全二极管泵浦的高脉冲能量锁模激光器,能产生28 ps脉冲高达40 mJ的脉冲能量在50赫兹的脉冲重复率。 | |
PL2250系列高能量皮秒锁模Nd:YAG激光器(PL2250 series high energy picosecond mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers) |
采用了单脉冲能量100 mJ,小于30皮秒(20 ps可选)脉冲持续时间,pl2250系列皮秒锁模钕:YAG激光器在高脉冲能量皮秒激光器建立了新标准。创新和成本效益的设计,可以提高激光的可靠性,同时降低运行和维护成本。 | |
PL11m系列高重复率脉冲激光器(PL11M series - high pulse repetition rate lasers) | PL11M series picosecond diode pumped laser offers 1 W output power at 1064 nm. It features high 1 MHz repetition rate, short 10 ps pulse duration and excellent beam quality (M² < 1.5). Stable output parameters and rugged cost-effective design establishes PL11M series lasers as an excellent choice for various spectroscopy applications. | |
PL3140系列皮秒锁模Nd∶YLF激光器(PL3140 series picosecond mode-locked Nd:YLF lasers) |
PL3140 series mode-locked picosecond Nd:YLF lasers have excellent output parameters, are reliable and still remain simple and convienent to use. Pulse duration as short as 10 ps is achieved without any sacrifice on beam quality. |
SL212系列SBS Q开关Nd:YAG激光器(SL212 series SBS Compressed Q-switched Nd:YAG Lasers for OEM) | In contrary to conventional mode-locked lasers the SL212 series lasers use different method of generating short pulses based on backward-stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). Featuring 150 ps pulse duration, up to 250 mJ pulse energy and design tailored for OEM integrators, SL212 is excellent choice for novel applications like tattoo removal, material ablation and remote sensing. | |
SL230系列皮秒SBS压缩 DPSSNd:YAG激光器(SL230 series picosecond SBS compressed DPSS Nd:YAG lasers) |
SL 200 series lasers are excellent solution for applications, where high energy picosecond pulses are needed. Not like conventional mode-locked lasers that typically use saturable nonlinear absorption or Kerr lensing to produce ultrafast pulses, the SL200 series lasers employ backward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in liquid for the same purpose. | |
SL330系列皮秒SBS压缩高能量Nd:YAG激光器(SL330 series picosecond SBS compressed high energy Nd:YAG lasers) |
SL300 series laser is excellent solution for applications that require high energy picosecond pulses. Pulse compression during backwardstimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), used in EKSPLA SL300 series lasers, is simple and cost effective way for generating picosecond pulses and has unique capability of producing pulses with tunable duration. |